The CNE Board of Directors is made up of community members and business leaders who are passionate about the impact of early childhood education and parent empowerment.  The Board supports CNE by defining its mission and strategies, approving policies and procedures, and overseeing governance and financial management. 

We are grateful for the Board's unique perspectives, which strengthen our agency and encourage organizational growth.


Sheila Merry - Chair
Community Volunteer
Former Executive Director, Evanston Cradle to Career

Talaya Johnson
Senior Government Contract Buyer/Planner
Woodward, Inc.

Tim Weltzer - Treasurer
VP - Financial Planning and Analysis
Guaranteed Rate

Paloma Reyes
Social Studies Teacher, Chute Middle School
Evanston/Skokie School District 65

Barb Davis - Secretary 
Community Volunteer/Early Education Specialist

Judy Schiffman
Retired Child Therapist

Diana Cohen
Community Volunteer
Former Board Chair, Evanston Community Foundation

Carol Teske
Executive Director
Childcare Network of Evanston

Ericka Foster
Assistant General Counsel - Employment


MaryAnn (Ty) Harvey
Community Volunteer
CNE Policy Council Board Liaison




Shared decision making is a cornerstone of Head Start and Early Head Start. The Parent Policy Council is a formal structure of parents who participate in policy making and other decisions about your child's Head Start or Early Head Start programs.


Parent Members

Amal Dariwsh

Alicia Gonzalez

Liliana Gonzalez

Lisbeth Guardado

Yesenia Rubio, Chair

Community Members

Mary Ann (Ty) Harvey, Board Member Representative

Bettye Cohns

Julian Hernandez

Ely Lemus

Maribel Sanchez